Tenant Migration Assessment

I run Volker Microsoft 365 Tenant Migration Assessment and getting this error. Can you please help us on this.

2023-05-31T14:11:42Z [Information] Creating status message: ‘[Error]: Error Connecting to Exchange Online.’
2023-05-31T14:11:42Z [Information] Creating status message: ‘[Error]: Error Connecting to Exchange Online after 5 retries.
Connecting to remote server outlook.office365.com failed with the following error message : 喈ﴏ翻 For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.’
2023-05-31T14:11:42Z [Information] Creating status message: ‘[Error]: Exception occurred on line 115:
Connecting to remote server outlook.office365.com failed with the following error message : 喈ﴏ翻 For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.’

Hi, i got the same message during Microsoft 365 Tenant Migration Assessment.

It’s ok for the first two steps, but not for Connection to Exchange Online.

2023-06-05T09:13:53Z [Information] Creating status message: '[Information]: Connecting to Exchange Online as xxxxxxx
2023-06-05T09:13:54Z [Information] Creating status message: ‘[Error]: Error Connecting to Exchange Online.’

Can you please help us ? thanks.

I was hoping for a quick reply, but this is obviously not the case. ;-(

Such errors seem to be related to disabled Remote PowerShell.

See this article to enable RPS:
Deprecation of Remote PowerShell in Exchange Online – Re-enabling or Extending RPS support - Microsoft Community Hub

We are now in October and its disabled:

Start of October 2023 We start blocking RPS for all tenants, no matter the tenant creation date, size, or opt-out status or cloud environment (WW, GCC, etc.) they use.

All tenants must use Exchange Online PowerShell v3 module using Connect-ExchangeOnline without the UseRPSSession parameter.

@voleerguy or any other person that may be in the know is there going to be a solution for this moving forward, or is the voleer assessment product stack now defunct ?

@sschwartz is there a work around in place for this yet ?

Dev team is working with updated assessment that are not binded to this depracated module.

Some library items are relying on these EXO modules and out of use but for now but for example Google Workspace and MS Teams assessments are up and running.

@mrii is there any update on Microsoft 365 Tenant Migration Assessment?

Unfortunately I don’t have any detailed information about the process. Only know that dev team is working with update