Zendesk Open Tickets Report [Template]


When dealing with end-user support, the volume of tickets is not consistent throughout the day, week or even months. Knowing when to rally the team due to an influx of tickets or spend time training because there is a ticket low is important.

For support shift managers, watching queue status is important throughout the day. But how do we do it proactively but in a way that we can still get other things done? This simple automation allows you to schedule queue status reports.

This report provides you with:

  • Current workload of agents - Know if the tickets are load balanced properly across all of your personnel
  • Oldest response time - Determine if the agent is current backlogged with tickets resulting in increased response time
  • Color coded SLA - Know if response times for agents are inline with your company goals

How it works

This template allows you to:

  • Select the groups in which you would like to evaluate tickets from
  • Specify ticket status to include
  • Configurable warning and alert thresholds


Getting started

To start using this template, perform the following:

  1. Launch the Zendesk Open Tickets Report template from the library and follow the instructions
  2. Optionally schedule the template as a recurring job

Sign in or sign up to use this template