Microsoft Teams Email - Inactive Teams


Out of the box, Microsoft Teams allows the freedom to create Teams and Channels without approval, potentially resulting in sprawl; seldom used or dead teams and data scatter all over chats, channels and files.

This template can help reduce sprawl by sending notifications of Teams without activity for a specified number of days. Then, as the IT organization, inactive Teams can be archived or merged with existing Teams.

How it works

The template processes activity data from the Microsoft Teams Activity dataset to identify Teams over a set number of days without activity.

The activities reviewed includes

  • Channel messages and replies
  • File uploads


To use this report, you will need to

  1. Sign in to your Voleer account or sign up for a new account

  2. Find and click on the tile labelled Microsoft Teams Email - Inactive Teams template from the list of templates within the library

  3. Select a workspace from the dropdown, a compatible Dataset and then click on Launch
    Note - If there are no compatible datasets there will be a link to create one.

  4. Configure the template by providing the number of days without activity required for a team to be considered inactive and selecting the email method, then click on Validate Template Configuration
    Note - Activity reviewed are channel messages, replies and file uploads. Any other modifications (i.e. renaming a channel, adding members) to the Team won’t be considered as activities.

  5. If you have selected Provided Microsoft 365 Email Account in step 4, complete the device code authorization with an email enabled Microsoft 365 account by 1) Copying the code, 2) Visiting the link and completing the authentication process, and then 3) Clicking on the Validate button

  6. Provide the email recipient(s) for the Inactive Teams notifications and if the system should sent out notifications if there are no inactive teams found, then click on ** Validate Template Configuration**

  7. Validate the details of the configuration and then click on Execute.
    Note - if the configuration is incorrect, cancel the run and start a new instance

  8. Once the instance has completed, save the template configuration and schedule the template as a recurring job

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