Microsoft Teams Assessment [Template]


Out of the box, Microsoft Teams allows the creation of teams and channels without restriction. In some cases, the freedom to start a new team and add members promotes collaboration, most often however, the result is sprawl with information duplicated across Teams and many Teams abandoned.

Using the Voleer Microsoft Teams Assessment provides reporting at a high-level dashboard and detailed level information to identify activity (or the lack thereof) and membership to better optimize, secure and maximize collaboration.

How it works

This template will retrieve data across Microsoft 365 to generate a report detailing information including

  • Number of teams, channels, users, and guests

  • Team ownership, membership, and last activity

  • Distribution of channels in teams, teams joined for users and total file size per channel

  • Teams and Channels with similar names

  • Team policy settings and underlying SharePoint Online details

Read article Microsoft Teams Assessment for more information.


To run this report, you will require

  • A Microsoft 365 account with Global Administrator, Cloud Administrator or Application Administrator permissions

  • If using Cloud Administrator or Application Administrator permissions, an account with the additional permissions is required

    • Global Reader in Microsoft 365 Admin Center

    • User Options, View-Only Audit Log and View-Only Mail Recipients in Exchange Admin Center

  • If file and folder information from teams and channels is required, an Azure application has to be configured

Getting started

To start using this template, perform the following:

  1. Sign in to your Voleer account or sign up for a new account

  2. Find and click on the tile labelled Microsoft Teams Assessment template from the list of templates within the library

  3. Select a workspace from the dropdown and click on Launch

  4. When presented with the authorization form, copy the device code and then visit the link Sign in to your account. Note - you will have to complete the authorization steps within 15 minutes. If you take longer than 15 minutes, you will have to click on the Validate button to retrieve a new device code

  5. Paste the device code into the form and then click on Next

  6. Provide your M365 credentials and then click on Sign in, then close the browser tab / window

  7. Click on the Validate button

  8. Repeat steps 4 - 7 to authorize Microsoft Graph

  9. (Optional) To retrieve file and folder information associated with your teams tenant, you will be required to create an Azure application. Follow the instructions at Creating an Azure Application for Voleer – Voleer Help Center. Once the application has been created, enter the Application Id and Client secret into the text boxes, then click on Continue

  10. Configure the template options, then click on Validate Template Configuration

  11. Validate the details of the configuration and then click on Execute. Note - if the configuration is incorrect, cancel the run and start a new instance

  12. Once completed, you will receive an email with the report attached. Clicking on the details of the run link will bring you back into Voleer, allowing you to save the template configuration and schedule the template as a recurring job


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