(Deprecated) Microsoft 365 License Usage and Optimization Assessment [Template]


With annual subscriptions of licenses and adhoc purchases, it can be easy to lose track of what’s being utilized. Once off license requests from employees can see a license being allocated but not necessarily being utilized. Furthermore, not being able to associate license use against job roles (i.e. do all my Sales Directors have access to Power BI Pro) may be costing organizations from the loss of insights one might gain from the license use.

The Voleer Microsoft 365 License and Optimization Assessment pulls information across both M365 and Azure AD to determine license availability, allocation and utilization for individuals and across job roles. License cost information can be manually adjusted from the provided RRP to determine actual subscription cost and under-utilization loss.

How it works

This template will retrieve data across Microsoft 365 to generate a report detailing information including

  • Total license usage, subscription costs, assigned costs and overspend

  • License and license combination usage for individual users and grouped by job title

  • Utilization of licenses per user based on activity for OneDrive, Teams, Yammer, SharePoint, Exchange and Skype for Business


To run this report, you will require

  • A Microsoft 365 account with Global Administrator, Cloud Administrator or Application Administrator permissions

Getting started

To start using this template, perform the following:

  1. Launch the Microsoft 365 License Usage and Optimization Assessment template from the library and follow the instructions

  2. Optionally schedule the template as a recurring job

Sign in or sign up to use this template